T-Minus 3 Days…

Whose idea was it to try and put a trip to Africa together right at the end of the school year / the start of summer vacation… oh yeah… that would be my idea. You’d think by now my wife would know to wallop me upside the head whenever one of these ideas comes along…

Actually, it’s not that bad. We have a very small group and Craig – our travel guru at Insight Global Education – has everything well under control so we’re all feeling excited rather than stressed – but I don’t think any of us is even close to finishing their packing either. Mainly that’s because some students were still writing exams this morning and three of our participants have their prom tomorrow night and I’ve just finished entering my final marks… and well you get the picture, apparently traveling to Africa is not enough of an excuse to get out of your usual responsibilities.

But now it’s Monday night and we leave in a little less than 72 hours and I expect most of us are having a “holy crap we leave in 3 days” moment and the panic is setting in. So that’s why I’m updating this blog of course!

If you’re reading this, you’re probably someone’s grandma, a friend or just someone with a lot more time on their hands than they know what to do with… So what are you signing up for?

Basically I’ll try to post a brief summary of our day’s adventures along with some pictures more or less every day but can’t make any promises as WiFi is quite spotty apparently and I tend to get distracted pretty easily and forget to write updates for a couple of days. But the hope is you’ll be able to follow along and see what we’ve been getting up to in Uganda and Rwanda over the next couple of weeks.

For now, though, you’ll have to content yourself with checking out Insight Global Education (there’s a link at the top of the page) and have a look at our itinerary (there’s also a link to it at the top of the page) and if you’re really, really bored or just looking for something to help you sleep at night, there are links to past trip blogs I’ve written on the right side of the page.


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